Ordinances/Resolutions Search

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Geralyn F. Cardenas
Interim City Clerk

200 Lincoln Avenue, Room 215
PO Box 909
Santa Fe, NM  87504-0909

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


2022 Resolutions

  • 2022-70

    A Resolution Amending the General Plan Future Land Use Map Designation form Institutional to Mixed-Use/Transitional for Property Comprising an Area of Approximately 24 Acres Located Adjacent to 1600 Saint Michaels Drive (Midtown Adjacent Parcels General Plan Amendment, Case No. 2022-5767).

  • 2022-69

    A Resolution Supporting the Appropriation of Funds by the New Mexico Legislature for New Mexico-Grown Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for School and Senior Meals Programs and Related Education Programs for Schools and Farmers.

  • 2022-68

    A Resolution Approving a Master Plan for Property Comprising an Area of Approximately 64 Acres within the City of Santa Fe, Located at 1600 Saint Michaels Drive (Midtown Master Plan, Case No. 2022-5764).

  • 2022-67

    A Resolution Amending the General Plan Future Land Use Map Designation from Institutional to Mixed-Use/Transitional for Property Comprising an Area of Approximately 64 Acres within the City of Santa Fe, Located at 1600 Saint Michaels Drive (Midtown General Plan Amendment, Case No. 2022-5763).

  • 2022-66

    A Resolution Requesting Approval of First Quarter Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.

  • 2022-65

    A Resolution Adopting the City of Santa Fe Mutimodal Transition Plan.

  • 2022-64

    A Resolution Documenting the City`s Support for an Exchange of Two Tracts of City-Owned Real Property for Six Tracts of State-Owned Real Property Located within the City and Authorizing a Lot Split of the City`s Camino Entrada Property Prior to the Exchange.

  • 2022-63

    A Resolution Creating a One-Year Pilot Program to Encourage and Incentivize Employers to Pay for Certain Employees' Parking in the City of Santa Fe ("City") Parking Facilities at Sandoval Street, the Santa Fe Community Convention Center and the Railyard.

  • 2022-62

    A Resolution Establishing City of Santa Fe's Priorities for Consideration by the New Mexico State Legislature During the 56th Legislature - State of New Mexico - First Session, 2023.

  • 2022-61

    A Resolution Calling on the New Mexico State Legislature to Take Action During the 2023 Legislative Session to End Driver`s License Suspensions for Failure to Pay and Failure to Appear.

  • 2022-60

    A Resolution Extending the Term of the Community Health and Safety Task Force Until June 30, 2023, to Allow the Task Force to Complete its Duties and Responsibilities.

  • 2022-59

    A Resolution Supporting the Santa Fe Public Schools ("SFPS") in Adopting a Community Schools Model and Directing the City Manager to Support the City`s Continued Collaboration and Participation with the SFPS`s Community Schools Steering Committee.

  • 2022-58

    A Resolution Approving the City of Santa Fe`s Participation in a Transportation Project Fund Program Administered by New Mexico Department of Transportation for the Arroyo De Los Chamisos Crossing Project.

  • 2022-57

    A Resolution Amending a Master Plan for a Tract of Land Known as Tract D of the St. Vincent Hospital Campus Master Plan, Comprising an Area of Approximately 7.4 Acres, Located at 445 and 455 St. Michaels Drive, and within the St. Vincent Hospital Campus, to Develop an 80,880 Square Foot Regional Cancer Center within the City of Santa Fe, State of New Mexico (Case No. 2022-5205. 445 and 455 St. Michaels Drive Cancer Center Master Plan Amendment).

  • 2022-56

    A Resolution Directing the City Manager to Identify and Apply for Federal and State Funding Sources for Water, Wastewater, and Other Water-Related Projects.

  • 2022-55

    A Resolution Requesting a Term Extension for a Local Government Road Fund Cooperative Agreement from the New Mexico Department of Transportation, Identified as Control Number L500306, for the Planning, Design, and Construction of Agua Fria Street and South Meadows Road Intersection Improvements.

  • 2022-54

    A Resolution Requesting a Term Extension to a Local Government Road Fund Cooperative Agreement from the New Mexico Department of Transportation Identified as Control Number L500444 for the Planning, Design, and Construction of Agua Fria Street and South Meadows Road Intersection Improvements.

  • 2022-53

    A Resolution Amending the General Plan Future Land Use Map Designation from Very Low Density Residential (1-3 Dwelling Units Per Acre) to Medium Density Residential (7-12 Dwelling Units Per Acre) and from Community Commercial to Medium Density Residential (7-12 Dwelling Units Per Acre) for Property Comprising and Area of Approximately 16.21± Acres on Eight Individual Lots Located at 1905, 1950, 0, 0, and 1941 Caja Del Oro Grant Road and 4, 5, and 7 Hernandez Lane (Caja Del Oro Subdivision General Plan Amendment, Case No. 2021-4377).

  • 2022-52

    A Resolution Affirming the Partnership of Santa Fe County and the City of Santa Fe to Develop Strategies and Take Actions to End Homelessness.

  • 2022-51

    A Resolution Assigning Authorized Officer(s) and Agents for Project SAP21-F2382-STB.

  • 2022-50

    A Resolution Accepting a Local Government Road Fund Grant Administered by the New Mexico Department of Transportation for the Planning, Design, Construction, Pavement Rehabilitation, and Improvements to Buckman Road, Identified as Control #L500489.

  • 2022-49

    A Resolution Supporting the Santa Fe Public Schools` Board of Education`s Application for Grant Funding to Build Out a District-Wide Community Schools Model Designed to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism, Decrease Out-of-School Time Caused by Suspensions, Increase Parental Involvement, and Improve Kindergarten Readiness Skills.

  • 2022-48

    A Resolution Adopting the 2024-2028 Senior Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) for the Division of Senior Services, Community Health and Safety Department.

  • 2022-47

    A Resolution Supporting Legislation in the United State of America and the State of New Mexico to Protect the Right to a Safe Abortion.

  • 2022-46

    A Resolution Advancing Complete Streets as a Proven Countermeasure to Provide Safer and More Equitable Transportation Improvements in the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Area While Reducing the Impacts of Climate Change.

  • 2022-45

    A Resolution Adopting New Procedural Rules for City Council Standing Committees.

  • 2022-44

    A Resolution Updating the Terms of Approval Included in Resolution No. 2020-24 and 2022-9 to Change the Permitted Location of Banners Commemorating "Hometown Heroes" to Include All of the Cerrillos Road Corridor, St. Francis Drive, the Railyard, Guadalupe Street, and the Greater Downtown Area.

  • 2022-43

    A Resolution Adopting the 2024-2028 Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan ("ICIP").

  • 2022-42

    A Resolution Supporting the Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive 2022.

  • 2022-41

    A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol During the Annual Burning of Zozobra Community Event Produced by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, Inc., a Non-Profit Organization at Magers Field, During the Friday of Labor Day for the Years 2022-2025, Pursuant to SFCC 1987 Subsection 23-6.2.

  • 2022-40

    A Resolution Establishing the Manner of Appointing a Charter Review Commission in 2022 and Identifying Certain Topics for the Commission`s Consideration.

  • 2022-39

    A Resolution Proclaiming Severe or Extreme Drought Conditions Exist in the City of Santa Fe; Imposing Fire Restrictions August 10, 2022 to September 10, 2022; Banning the Sale or Use of Fireworks within the City of Santa Fe; Encouraging Residents to Prepare a Personal Wildfire Action Plan; and Encouraging Residents to Follow the Fire Department`s Fire Readiness Guidelines.

  • 2022-38

    A Resolution Permitting Remote Meetings for Advisory Committees Whether or Not it is Difficult or Impossible for Members of the Committee to Meet in Person when the Advisory Committee Determines it is in the Best Interest of the Public to Do So.

  • 2022-37

    A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol During the Annual Burning of Zozobra Community Event Produced by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, Inc., A Non-Profit Organization at Fort Marcy, During the Friday of Labor Day for the Years 2022-2025, Pursuant to SFCC 1987 Subsection 23-6.2. (RECINDED)

  • 2022-36

    A Resolution Approving the City`s Request for State Authorization for the Implementation fo Fourth Quarter Budget Amendments and Associated New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration/Local Government Division ("DFA/LGD") Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021/2022.

  • 2022-35

    A Resolution Proclaiming Severe or Extreme Drought Conditions Exist in the City of Santa Fe; Imposing Fire Restrictions July 11, 2022, to August 9, 2022; Banning the Sale or Use of Fireworks within the City of Santa Fe; Encouraging Residents to Prepare a Personal Wildfire Action Plan; and Encouraging Residents to Follow the Fire Department`s Fire Readiness Guidelines.

  • 2022-34

    A Resolution Supporting the Permanent Preservation of the Caja Del Rio Cultural Landscape and Wildlife Area.

  • 2022-33

    A Resolution Amending the Name of the Santa Fe Film and Digital Media Commission to the Santa Fe Film and Digital Media Council.

  • 2022-32

    A Resolution Proclaiming Severe or Extreme Drought Conditions Exist in the City of Santa Fe; Imposing Fire Restrictions from June 11, 2022, to July 10, 2022; Banning the Sale or Use of Fireworks within the City of Santa Fe; and Prohibiting other Fire Hazard Activities.

  • 2022-31

    A Resolution Extending the Duration of the Mayor`s Second Emergency Proclamation Responding to Fire Risks, Issued on June 7, 2022, By Seven Days, Expiring at Noon on June 17, 2022, Pursuant to SFCC 1987, Section 20-1.3(c).

  • 2022-30

    A Resolution Extending the Duration of the Mayor's Emergency Proclamation Issued on June 6, 2022 by Eighteen Days, Expiring at Noon on June 27, 2022, Pursuant to Section 20-1.3(C) SFCC 1987. 

  • 2022-29

    A Resolution Extending the Duration of the Mayor's Emergency Proclamation Responding to Fire Risks, Issued on May 28, 2022, by Seven Days, Expiring at Noon on June 7, 2022, Pursuant to SFCC 1987, Section 20-1.3(C).

  • 2022-28

    A Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to a Municipal Arterial Program Cooperative Grant from the New Mexico Department of Transportation Identified as Control Number L500383 Granting a Time Extension for the Planning, Design, and Construction of Agua Fria Street and South Meadows Road Intersection Improvements.

  • 2022-27

    A Resolution Allocating Three and a Quarter Acre Feet of Available Water from the City's Existing Water Supply to the Southside Teen Center. 

  • 2022-26

    A Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to a Municipal Arterial Program Cooperative Grant from the New Mexico Department of Transportation Identified as Control Number L500429 Granting a Time Extension for the Planning, Design, and Construction of Agua Fria Street and South Meadows Road Intersection Improvements.

  • 2022-25

    A Resolution Proclaiming Severe or Extreme Drought Conditions Exist in the City of Santa Fe; Imposing Fire Restrictions from May 11, 2022, to June 10, 2022; Restricting the Sale or Use of Fireworks Within the City of Santa Fe ad Prohibiting Other Fire Hazard Activities. 

  • 2022-24

    A Resolution Approving the City's Request for State Authorization for the Implementation of Third Quarter Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2021/2022.

  • 2022-23

    A Resolution Requesting Approval of First Amendment to a Local Government Transportation Project Fund Grant from the New Mexico Department of Transportation Identified as Control Number LP5008 Granting a Time Extension for the Planning, Design, and Pavement Rehabilitation of Guadalupe Bridge.

  • 2022-22

    A Resolution Adopting the City of Santa Fe's Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Operating Budget and Organizational Chart.

  • 2022-21

    A Resolution Extending the Duration of the Mayor's Emergency Proclamation Issued on April 25, 2022 by Forty Days, Expiring at Noon on June 6, 2022, Pursuant to Section 20-1.3(C) SFCC 1987.

  • 2022-20

    A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Beer During the Party on the Pitch Soccer Tournament on June 4-5, 2022, Pursuant to Section 23-6.2(b) SFCC 1987.

  • 2022-19

    A Resolution Proclaiming Severe or Extreme Drought Conditions Exist in the City of Santa Fe; Imposing Fire Restrictions from April 10, 2022, to May 11, 2022; Restricting the Sale or Use of Fireworks Within the City of Santa Fe and Prohibiting Other Fire Hazard Activities.

  • 2022-18

    A Resolution Amending Appendix G of the Impact Fees Capital Improvement Plan ("IFCIP") FY 2021-2027 to Replace Tables 80 and 81 Listing Planned Road Improvements and Parks and Trails Improvements as Recommended by the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.

  • 2022-17

    A Resolution Allocating Water Rights to the Affordable Housing Account Within the City Water Bank for at Least Three Consecutive Future Years.

  • 2022-16

    A Resolution Directing the City Manager to Send a Letter of Intent to the New Mexico Game and Fish Department Informing the Department of the City's Intent to Purchase Property Located at 3250 Calle Princesa Juana.

  • 2022-15

    A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol During "Off the Rails: SITE Santa Fe Annual Benefit and Concert" on City Property on Thursday, June 23, 2022, Pursuant to Subsection 23-6.2(C) SFCC 1987.

  • 2022-14

    A Resolution Extending the Duration of the Mayor's Emergency Proclamation Issued on March 7, 2022 by Forty-Seven Days, Expiring at Noon April 25, Pursuant to Section 20-1.3(C) SFCC 1987.

  • 2022-13

    A Resolution Proclaiming Severe or Extreme Drought Conditions Exist in the City of Santa Fe; Imposing Fire Restrictions from March 10, 2022, to April 10, 2022; Restricting the Sale or Use of Fireworks Within the City of Santa Fe and Prohibiting Other Fire Hazard Activities.

  • 2022-12

    A Resolution Adopting Next Steps for the Reuse and Redevelopment of the Midtown Property Including Applying for Land Use Rezoning, General Plan Amendment, and a Master Plan; Adopting a Community Development Plan; Issuing Certain Requests for Proposals; Conducting Certain Studies and Assessments; and Seeking the Acquisition of Land Located Within or Adjacent to the Midtown Site.

  • 2022-11

    A Resolution Amending the General Plan Future Land Use Map Designation from Industrial to Community Commercial for Approximately 2.39 Acres of Land Located at 2868 Rufina Street. (2868 Rufina General Plan Amendment, Case No. 2021-4375).

  • 2022-10

    A Resolution Supporting House Memorial 3 that Requests the Workforce Solutions Department Convene a Task Force to Recommend Legislation for Paid Family and Medical Leave.

  • 2022-9

    A Resolution Updating the Terms of Approval Included in Resolution No. 2020-14 to Expand the Designated Location of Banners Commemorating "Hometown Heroes" Along the Cerrillos Road Corridor from Between I-25 and Rodeo Road to Between I-25 and the Intersection of St. Michael's Drive and Osage Avenue.

  • 2022-8

    A Resolution Requesting Approval of Second Quarter Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2021/2022.

  • 2022-7

    A Resolution Extending the Duration of the Mayor's Emergency Proclamation Issued on January 24, 2022 by Forty Days, Expiring at Noon March 7, Pursuant to Section 20-1.3(C) SFCC 1987.

  • 2022-6

    A Resolution in Support of the Appropriation of Funds by the New Mexico Legislature for New Mexico-Grown Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for School and Senior Meals Programs and Related Education Programs for Schools and Farmers. 

  • 2022-5

    A Resolution Proclaiming Severe or Extreme Drought Conditions Exist in the City of Santa Fe; Imposing Fire Restrictions from January 27, 2022 to February 24, 2022; Restricting the Sale or Use of Fireworks Within the City of Santa Fe and Prohibiting Other Fire Hazard Activities. 

  • 2022-4

    A Resolution Adopting a New Version of the Governing Body Procedural Rules.

  • 2022-3

    A Resolution Supporting the Application and Response to the Request for Proposals Issued by the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District, Non-Metro New Mexico Area Agency on Aging for Continuation of Services for the Senior Citizens of the City of Santa Fe. 

  • 2022-2

    A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 2021-3 Relating to the Open Meetings Act; and Adopting Annual Notice Requirements for 2022.

  • 2022-1

    A Joint Resolution Recognizing the Existence of Open Items Related to Annexation and Establishing Negotiating Teams to Develop Non-Binding Proposals to Resolve those Items.